Our perception and our movements increasingly take place in virtual space. Layers of technology, identity and connection are fluently interwoven. Working with a computerbased jacquard weaving loom that is on one hand state of technology and on the other hand based on one of the oldest human craft techniques meant digitally connecting layers of material knowledge and haptic connections that are tactile experiences of the space.
Layer Drawing //Dark Purple Layer
Designer: Marie Schumann
Country of Origin: Switzerland
Dimensions (cm): 140 x 150 H
Price: excl. VAT
Weaving as a one of the oldest cultural techniques has not changed in its principles for centuries but the Jacquard weaving loom where Schumann works on allows the most complex patterns and digital influences to happen. In the Layer Drawings paper yarn is used in free floating parts as a manual contrast and brings tactile, soft and moving references to the pieces.